BA | Upwards, behind the onstreaming, it mooned

Written by themenwhodrawsheep

Many languages are centered around perception of objects. We learn to communicate by describing properties and states of our surrounding. this approach of describing a moment gives a possibility of endless description in describing atmosphere. But by gaining control over percision, we might actually loose the essence hidden in an untold manner. When we talk, we talk objects and images, not experiences and impressions, those usually need assistance from other sences to be able to perceive full spectrum of shared information.

In the book of “Tlön” Borges describes a world, whicht took a different approach. Instead of communicate objects and images, they communicate processes. their language contains only verbs, and by doing so, they no longer perceive single shapes. there is no moon, there is mooning. the full process of moon rising up and down, followed by all the moments you could perceive throughout this process. by adding the onstreaming we not only see the constant flow of a river, but allso the breathe, the reflections of the water, the atmosphere building up and overwhelming your imagination. the language isn´t persice, but it it impressive! a concentrated experience which you are dissolving yourself in.

City loop station is a lost and forgotten station in NY City, which is located just under the old City hHall. In the world of Tlön, forgotten things dissapear out of existance. This project is a perceptual experiment, where i instead of describing shapes, transform the impression of the station into experiences and merge them with their original shape to create something new. The feeling of the breethe on the skin, a descent into silent darkness, lights shaning and reflecting on the surfaces, rails disappearing in the dark, constant humm folowed by the cacophony of passing by train, etc. everything contributes to the overall experience which is morphed into form and shape.

The final form becomes a monument to it´s own experience and can be only acessed through the initial station. it contains rooms which appeal to different sences. it is a closed loop, a process which can be experienced in one direction. like a film, or like real life.

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